25th Anniversary of the Movie Tombstone Celebration

Tombstone: The Town Too Tough To Die… AND… one of the greatest westerns ever filmed!

Alright cowboys, Wyatt has sent Curly Bill to that large cattle ranch in the sky and he’s now out on his vendetta ride. We said goodbye to Morgan as Virgil took him out to California, in a pine box. And now, as Curly Bill warned us, Johnny Ringo is runnin’ the outfit.

So folks, its party-time for the Cowboys, Buckaroo's, Pimps, Bunco men, Outlaws, In-laws, friendly Law dogs and Ladies-in-Lace, while they attend the 25th Year Reunion of the movie "Tombstone".

The reunion will take place right in the historic town of Tombstone, Arizona, on the weekend of June 30th and July 1st. Keep a sharp eye out, because an evening event could be added for Friday the 29th.

Some of your favorite actors are already on board. Johnny Ringo (Michael Biehn) and Texas Jack Vermillion (Peter Sherayko) will be there. Peter will also be selling his books. We are hoping Turkey Creek Jack Johnson (Buck Taylor) shows up with his paintings. Right now our Bandito is talking with Ike Clanton, Ed Bailey, Billy Clanton, Sherman McMasters, Virgil Earp, all of the Earp ladies and Josephine Marcus.

This reunion is not just for the actors, but also for all of the people behind the scenes who made this movie so great. For instance, you’ll meet stunt coordinator and man of many talents - Chris Swinney. Click here to see more about him! We’ll also have our friends The Buffalo Soldiers, who will be in town celebrating their own reunion.

We’re inviting all of you Western lovers from all over the world, to attend with your families. So bring all of the gold and silver you got from selling the stolen Mexican cattle, stage robberies, poker games and mining, or even your hard earned greenbacks and come in Western or Victorian costume if you can. Also, be sure to bring all of those pretty painted ladies in their beautiful dresses. Cameras will be flashing while you shake the hand of your favorite good guy… or bad guy. We are also planning a salute to our missing members of over the last 25 years, at the OK Corral.


Where: All throughout Tombstone! Make sure to come swing by the O.K. Corral for a bunch of events!

When: All weekend (Friday, June 29 to Sunday, July 1). Events will begin at 9:00 AM each day and end around 5:00 PM. Call tracking solutions

One last thing… please NO live ammo in your hoglegs or your cartridge belts. You never know when a cartridge may fall out of your belt and somebody might stick it in their smoke wagon. However, dummy rounds are acceptable in your belts.